What should you do if someone you live with has recently traveled outside of Canada?

First, the person who has returned home from traveling must self-isolate (stay home and not have any contact with others) for a minimum of 14 days.

This person should also be doing the following:

  1. Staying in a separate room and avoiding contact with others at all times;
  2. Using a separate bathroom (if possible);
  3. Wearing a mask if they can’t avoid coming in contact with others;
  4. Washing their hands often, covering their coughs and sneezes with their arm, and disinfecting surfaces they come in contact with in the home.

If the person who recently traveled can properly self-isolate (using the recommendations above), the other members of the household don’t need to self-isolate. However, they do need to keep social distancing.

If the person who recently traveled can’t avoid others in the household, everyone in the home should self-isolate as they would now be at higher risk of spreading the virus.covid.
