How to wear & remove your mask


  1. Wash your hands and to touch your face as little as possible when putting on your mask.
  2. Place the mask over your nose and mouth and secure to your head or ears with its ties or elastics. Pull the top
    line of the mask up to fully cover your nose and pull the bottom part of the mask down to fully cover your mouth
    and chin.
  3. Once your mask is on and in place, wash your hands with soap or hand sanitizer.
  4. Try to avoid touching your mask or face. If you touch your mask or face, you should immediately wash your

Remove and/or dispose of mask when wet, soiled or damaged.

  1. Before removing your mask, wash your hands.
  2. Remove the mask by lifting the elastics off your ears, or untying the tie behind your head.
  3. Gently pull the mask forward from your face touching only the ties or elastics.
  4. Do not touch the mask itself. Once removed, wash your hands.


Follow the “taking off your mask” protocol outlined above to remove your mask.

  1. Store your mask in a clean container that you can seal until you are ready to wear it again.
    —> Before reusing medical/procedure masks, they should be stored in a paper bag to dry for at least 3 days.
    —> Cloth mask should be fold it in half with the outer surface facing inwards and stored in any container that
    can be sealed (e.g. paper or plastic bag, storage container).
  2. Label your bag/container with your name to prevent accidental misuse.
  3. Medical/surgical masks should be disposed of when soiled or damaged.


  1. If using a washing machine, empty the bag or container (holding your mask) directly into the machine. Wash
    masks with other items using a hot cycle with laundry detergent. If washing by hand, scrub the mask using soap
    and hot water.
  2. Discard the dirty bag or wash the reusable container.
  3. Dry masks in a dryer if it will keep its shape and fit, or hang or lay flat on a clear surface to air dry.
  4. Store your clean reusable mask in a clean container that you can seal until you are ready to wear it again.

Disclaimer: Please note that cloth masks have been shown to be less effective than surgical masks for protecting the wearer, but they do
offer some protection. They are meant to prevent the wearer from spreading droplets when he or she coughs or sneezes