Marathon Family Health Team (MFHT) is currently working on creating its 2023-2026 Strategic Plan. A Strategic Plan is like a blueprint to an organization’s future. It includes actionable steps needed to reach specific goals. In this case, MFHT’s strategic planning efforts will include choosing key priorities that aim to improve healthcare in our communities based on community feedback.
The Marathon Family Health Team Board invites members of the public to share their ideas on what they think our focus should be over the next three years. The input of those who access our facility, programs and services, is extremely valuable to us because it will help us shape our services to better meet population based healthcare needs.
If you are interested in providing feedback, please complete one of the surveys below. If you don’t have access to a computer or the Internet, please pick up a hard copy at the clinic or contact us to have a copy mailed to you.
The deadline to have your say in MFHT’s new Strategic Plan is February 17, 2023.
Thank you in advance for taking the time to provide us with important feedback and perspectives.
Feedback surveys:
Patient/community member feedback survey
Stakeholder/community organization survey